793 A.D.-1536 A.D.

My current body of work comes as a response to a simple question asked at CRAFTLAB24 introduction.

“Who are you and what do you do?”

It isn’t a simple question to answer in regard to my craft. I do a bit of everything it would seem. Leatherwork, Armouring, Metalwork, Woodwork, Tailoring, Sculpting, Forging.

I found it easier to give a range of dates that encompass my main focus, and to that end the answer was 793 A.D. to 1536 A.D.

To better illustrate this I chose 6 years within that timeline that are important to me and created 6 bags that use the predominant architectural form to inform my design choices and materials.

Along with the bags themselves I created a graphical presentation that delves deeper into those choices. Using historical quotes, architectural plans and my own working drawings. I hope these better illustrate my inspirations and why I made the design decisions I have.